Top 4 Marketing Strategies That Are Often Ignored

CATEGORY: Marketing | Strategy

Marketing strategies are at the core of every business’ growth and marketing plan. In order to drive visibility for your business, it is important to have a well-thought-out and defined strategy that addresses the pain points of your customers; opportunities for building lasting solutions to those pain points and the implementation of ideas that provide adequate solutions. 

As our technological world develops even further, the market is sprung with novel and improved strategies for attracting customers, retaining them through the lifecycle journey and providing ample solutions to their problems. However, some strategies will forever remain evergreen in ensuring that your product serves your consumers at the point of their needs. 


Here are four marketing strategies that are often ignored but hold significant importance in marketing.

Offline Marketing 

If you’re actively working towards fuelling your business growth but have ignored offline marketing tactics, you’re certainly doing yourself a disservice.

Offline marketing, popularly referred to as advertising efforts carried out via traditional channels such as television, radio, billboards, etc., still plays an important role in ensuring repeated brand exposure for any business. Repeated brand exposure keeps your brand’s messaging and products top-of-mind for consumers and instils a sense of trust and familiarity with your brand. 

Offline marketing also presents an opportunity to get customers to convert to online mediums. By offering an interesting piece of content offline, a customer’s interest can be driven to visit your website in order to learn more about your product or possibly make a purchase.


Content Marketing 

This marketing strategy is widely known for providing long-term results that are rewarding for years to come. Content marketing is used to attract, engage and retain customers by creating and sharing relevant short or long-form content like videos, articles or podcasts. 

With content marketing, your business can attract leads or meet the customer’s needs at the very point that a customer might be looking for them. 

For example, if a potential customer looking for places to eat in Lagos searches for “restaurants near me” or “restaurants in Lagos” on a search engine and your restaurant is listed as a local business on the search engine results page, you would have positioned yourself right in front of a potential customer at the point of their need. Such a customer would most likely be interested in learning more about your business. 



Storytelling is a non-technical strategy that is used not just for marketing products and services but for creating human-centred connections. Storytelling helps to draw your audience’s attention to your product or service with the aid of elements and images, thereby creating an imaginary bridge between your brand and your audience. Storytelling helps brands, businesses, companies and individuals to form deeper connections with their audiences. 

With the aid of data and insights that are unique to your business, you can create an emotional connection with your customers through the art of storytelling. With the decline in the attention span of an average user these days, it has become more important than ever to form deep and meaningful connections with your audience in order to stay relevant in the market.



Cobranding is a strategy that brands use to expand into new audiences, build credibility and increase the perception of a product or service’s value. Cobranding as a strategy is effective in driving user acquisition by cross-partnerships. For example, a partnership between a restaurant and a drinks company will introduce both parties’ audiences to each other’s brands, thereby creating more opportunities to convert prospects into leads. 


In conclusion, there are different marketing strategies that any business can employ, but an understanding of the business goals, product, customers and their pain points will help in determining the most effective business strategy for any brand. For your business to fully optimize its marketing efforts, it is important to explore and test different marketing strategies that will promote the goals of your business.